key services

Birth-Chart Preparation

Known as the blueprint of a person's life, we prepare and provide an auspicious start for your child through our handwritten traditional birth chart, which is a preserve for their life.

Matrimony Compatibility

Compatibility with the life partner is the key to happiness. We analyse the traits and nature of the partners to understand their compatibilty and enable you take right decisions.

Auspicious Muhurtham

For all the auspicious events, we provide right Muhurtham, customised based on your astrological chart, to enable the event a happy and a successful one.

other services


Right education enables a right path in life.Being the foundation for success, we provide insights on the direction of education one can take to attain his destiny. Because lost time and opportunity can never be regained.


With new opportunities emerging every day, we provide advice based on your astrological transitions & positions, enabling you to take informed decisions. We try to clear your dilemmas, be it a job or a business.

Future Wellbeing

Wellbeing is any man's priority. Happiness and health is the undisputed wealth. We offer advices on any concern regarding your future course of life or support during trying times.